Thursday, August 25, 2016

Part Four: Basic Chart and Historic Connection

Part Four: Basic Chart and Historic Connection

CAVEAT:  I must say it is very frustrating, but I have tried every graphics format and trick I know and I simply cannot get these charts to load on Blogger with an acuity.  But I will continue to work on it.  If There are any readers of this blog who have advice on this matter, please do write to me.  Thank you tremendously, in advance.

Below is Figure 4 and the original chart I designed sometime in about 2006, after intense research of Bloom, Edgar Dale, Howard Gardner and deep reflection on the writings of Temple Grandin - amongst others.  An early favorite of mine is Jean Piaget.

Understanding that almost all of Piaget's research was based on observations of his own three children - and not a lot of much else.  And those of Dr. Grandin's are those of a very high functioning Autistic person reaching across an almost unfathomable distance to connect with those of us far less gifted.

Premise 3:  Premise Three works with the single aspect of Recall.
Since, it is recall which, in my concepts and theories, connects the organic brain with the deeper meta-cognative processing of the mind. Bearing in mind that cognitive processing is electrical impulsing between nerve synapses.  And, that once established there can no longer be found the presence of "0" (zero).  When the first vector point is established, it must either transverse to another vector point or that standing solitary, it exists as "1" (the integer one).  Use the non-pointy end of the pencil and erase the symbol and you cannot say that you have returned to 0, you have only removed the symbol.

If you then claim that since the symbol is gone, that it no longer exists.  My answer, "If a tree grows in a remote forest and there is no one there to see it, is really there?  If it is, or does, or can, then it is - simply is.  If not, then how'd the *** forest get there around it?  If it grows until its life force is gone and then falls, there is an absence of that tree surrounded by others."  Or, "You walk to the orange grove carrying your fruit bucket.  You pick four oranges.  As you walk home, you feel the charity to give each of those oranges to four different people.  While each of the oranges were in the bucket, they functioned as four distinct integers, diminishing in total until there were none left. You return home with 0 (zero) oranges, but you're still carrying a bucket."

There is nothing, then there is something, then there is never nothing again.  Newton, or somebody wrote a law of physics to that matter; i.e. "Matter cannot be created or destroyed."  By this logic, mathematically there is universal need for the integer 0, but there is no actual proof that it is.  Meaning, in terms of cognition - once presented to a mind virginal in a piece of knowledge, in some manner it remains as long as there is the original organic brain to retain it.  So that brings us back to Base 3, since once 1 is established, while 0 holds a place, it can no longer be utilized in any calculations establishing further knowledge acquisition.

In the next blog, I will publish my "Codex", or Rosetta Stone of symbols.

Thank you for joining me here and joy be unto you.

All material in this blog is from “Equations for the Joyous Mind”  © 2016 by Dale Clarence Peterson

Just published  Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”

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