Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Part Five: The Codex or Rosetta Stone

The Codex, or "Rosetta Stone"

I have included two .png formatted graphics to plot the calculations as will be put forward as we proceed in this study.  In the first, the text towards the left reads as follows:  (Re-edited and expanded 8/31/16)

So we have the mind being equal to the organic brain with all the stimuli being exerted on its sensory gathering times (multiplied by) the chemical influences arising from the natural reaction due to the emotional state resulting from both.

This is then factored by the degree of distraction(s) arising from uncontrolled stimuli in the person's environment at the time of the unique event.

This distraction is further affected by whatever emotional state that exists at the given instant of any unique teaching and learning experience.  The goal here is to determine what, of all the influences that truly exist in a given unique event of teaching and learning, are affecting the event and how they can be neutralized. 

The organic brain is a bound system.  It cannot extend beyond the boundaries of its organic limitations; i.e. it is alive or not, it is aware or it is not.  It reacts within the scope of a curve of hormone balance (chemistry) that is often genetically, or through some physical trauma, altered, state.  Sometimes, if this unique state is unbalanced, or beyond a functional curve which affects the receptivity of instruction aimed at a general audience (read; “normal”) it can be medically brought more within the general curve.  Sometimes this is not possible, and in those instances where other means to accomplish a rebalancing are ineffective – or, simply not possible – there are answers.  However, any calculations to determine the best possible route(s) to accomplish this are by necessity, unique to a unique mind and brain (read; student).

Examples for those individuals whom are beyond this “general curve” will be explored separately, and more deeply, in later chapters.  Which is more the actual purpose of my treatise.  Understanding that, most often, it is those who function beyond, and never below (I simply do not accept that any human brain should ever be considered less than any other), who do truly bring JOY and understanding to the totality of the human life experience.

And, there are really no levels of awareness or unawareness at any given instant.  We must be careful not to confuse rapidity of processing with simultaneous processing, as is so often the case with computer technology.  What we must be careful to understand is just what is being derived from the unawareness level that is influencing the processing on the awareness level.
If we believe, as we all tend to do, that we want to achieve a positive effect, then we reintroduce various "E" factors (Emotional), the major of which is E-beta (locate on the Codex).

"Emotion" does not necessarily exist as either positive or negative, but often as a fluctuating composite of both.  Often if a heightened state of one, even if it is positive, is present then the opposite is not far away and ready to exert influence at even very minor changes in the environment of a unique event.
Therefore, as with the wisdom of the ages and across almost all cultures, to achieve balance we must seek neutrality.

Or, as might be less blurry and possibly "cleaner.

In the next part, we will break down the first three "Premises" and show the "equating" of those formulae.

Thank you for joining me here and joy be unto you.

All material in this blog is from “Equations for the Joyous Mind”  © 2016 by Dale Clarence Peterson

Just published  Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Part Four: Basic Chart and Historic Connection

Part Four: Basic Chart and Historic Connection

CAVEAT:  I must say it is very frustrating, but I have tried every graphics format and trick I know and I simply cannot get these charts to load on Blogger with an acuity.  But I will continue to work on it.  If There are any readers of this blog who have advice on this matter, please do write to me.  Thank you tremendously, in advance.

Below is Figure 4 and the original chart I designed sometime in about 2006, after intense research of Bloom, Edgar Dale, Howard Gardner and deep reflection on the writings of Temple Grandin - amongst others.  An early favorite of mine is Jean Piaget.

Understanding that almost all of Piaget's research was based on observations of his own three children - and not a lot of much else.  And those of Dr. Grandin's are those of a very high functioning Autistic person reaching across an almost unfathomable distance to connect with those of us far less gifted.

Premise 3:  Premise Three works with the single aspect of Recall.
Since, it is recall which, in my concepts and theories, connects the organic brain with the deeper meta-cognative processing of the mind. Bearing in mind that cognitive processing is electrical impulsing between nerve synapses.  And, that once established there can no longer be found the presence of "0" (zero).  When the first vector point is established, it must either transverse to another vector point or that standing solitary, it exists as "1" (the integer one).  Use the non-pointy end of the pencil and erase the symbol and you cannot say that you have returned to 0, you have only removed the symbol.

If you then claim that since the symbol is gone, that it no longer exists.  My answer, "If a tree grows in a remote forest and there is no one there to see it, is really there?  If it is, or does, or can, then it is - simply is.  If not, then how'd the *** forest get there around it?  If it grows until its life force is gone and then falls, there is an absence of that tree surrounded by others."  Or, "You walk to the orange grove carrying your fruit bucket.  You pick four oranges.  As you walk home, you feel the charity to give each of those oranges to four different people.  While each of the oranges were in the bucket, they functioned as four distinct integers, diminishing in total until there were none left. You return home with 0 (zero) oranges, but you're still carrying a bucket."

There is nothing, then there is something, then there is never nothing again.  Newton, or somebody wrote a law of physics to that matter; i.e. "Matter cannot be created or destroyed."  By this logic, mathematically there is universal need for the integer 0, but there is no actual proof that it is.  Meaning, in terms of cognition - once presented to a mind virginal in a piece of knowledge, in some manner it remains as long as there is the original organic brain to retain it.  So that brings us back to Base 3, since once 1 is established, while 0 holds a place, it can no longer be utilized in any calculations establishing further knowledge acquisition.

In the next blog, I will publish my "Codex", or Rosetta Stone of symbols.

Thank you for joining me here and joy be unto you.

All material in this blog is from “Equations for the Joyous Mind”  © 2016 by Dale Clarence Peterson

Just published  Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”

Monday, August 22, 2016

Part Three: The Second Premise

Part Three: The Second Premise

“What is the precise definition of a handful of Air?”

Education has a computer technology presence on campus, and is part of performance expectation, and yet is often one that is very unruly and inconsistent.  However, it can run the gamut from a total disinterest on the part of some teachers and very high technology demands on the part of others.
            And yet, the students they teach have never known a world without it.  It has affected their thinking modalities.

CAPTION;  "Recall (R)", or memory, is a state of activity.  “R” Recall embodies awareness, therefore must be represented by "Omega-minor" as the only time it can be passive is when a person is asleep.  However, " R " does work at high and low levels depending on the state of the mind, the brain and the emotions.  When the mind and the brain are in "active Omega", or "neutrality", and the emotions are in neutrality, then the "recall" can be very effective in calculations involving proto-activity.
[proto-activity is a word of my own construction, refering to various activities, or experiences, that a person (student) may be encountering for the first time.]

Muscle and sinew grow weak with age, but knowledge has the potential to remain strong.  The caveat to this statement is that today knowledge is not built with facts, knowledge is built with cognitive processing  skills.  To put another way, it has been held on to as a given that knowledge is built on a foundation of prior knowledge which has been built on solid facts or information that is in some way irrifutable. 
            What was once thought to be a world of reality ruled and governed by definitives, by facts, has somehow changed.  As science has become more capable in determining more and more reliable data, what makes up our reality, that reality has taken on a nature that resembles what was once thought to be fantasy.
            Solid matter, we are told, is more empty space than solid.  Liquids are actually more dense than solids, hence their liquidity.  Gases are merely solids or liquids that by their nature have not yet quite gelled through the lack of a catalyst of some kind.  The universe originated by a single event. It occurred as one of many possible events that happen all the time.
            Knowledge of value today is not what you know, knowledge of value today is what you can do.  Intellectual strength today is what you are capable of learning while you are doing something. Applicable literacy today is what you are capable of learning while you are doing something unrelated to what you are learning.  This begins not with what education you receive, but how you receive that education.
            Not to be misinterpreted, “A dog might not remember a voice command, but if you ever kick that dog, it will remember you.” (Forever, pretty much.) 
            How does knowledge remain strong?  Knowledge that is used on a reasonably regular basis, remains stronger than knowledge that has little to no relavance to a given person’s life, and is therefore used rarely or only accessed on an unrelated irregular basis.  Knowledge that is held in play longer, is experienced more, roots deeper and has the most memory stamina.  Analogies would be any athletic activity or some form of manual skill that is practiced until the motions become second nature.  As in, a Concert Pianist doesn’t really have to look at the keyboard in order to make beautiful music. 
            However, to get to this stage of “Omega Mind” (to be exponded upon) we must return to the very intial concept of the Math.  And how mathematics is based, or rooted upon, a single foundation; i.e. exactly on what  Base are we operating , or what is the primary structure.  As previously stated if this Base is binary, very quickly any calculations derived from any collected data will topple over.  It’s like trying to get a sincle piece of paper to stand vertically on its edge.
            To complete that analogy; if you bend, or fold, that piece of paper, thereby adding dimension to its structure you can actually do this. Or, just as a milking stool, three legs will stand independantly and are actually more stable than four legs.  If you reduce the concept of Prime Numbers to its simplest state, you get Base 3.  In all states Primary Numbers are always more stable than non-primary.  Look at any swivel chair manufactured today.  Most have five feet, some seven.  None have two, obviously, and none have four.  Some yahoo will always find a way to tip over backwards on a four footed swivel chair.

CAPTION;  Figure 4 (I ask forgivenes, Dear Reader, for the blurriness here.  I am reformatting all of my old graphics.) This chart is derrived from the Edgar Dale in the previous Part of this blog.  From Dale’s chart, it is my observation, were derived all of the visuals used in subsequent work by Benjaming Bloom and in more modern terms, eventually, by Howard Gardner in his work on “Multiple Intelligenses”

My purpose in including the chart above (Figure 4) is to begin to expose how using a visual cue with a verbal (written language) outline structure is really just an attempt to push into some sort of box, what is actually a very complex systematic approach to a concept that is, in real world functioning, actually, an impossibile task.  Much as simply trying to write the above sentence – and have it make sense. 

In the next installment, I will include historical examples which were designed to accomplish the same general task and begin to clarify how the Binary System (Base 2 math), in its infantsy, changed European culture forever.  And, step one as to why is doesn’t work.

Peace and joy be unto you, Dear Reader.

All material in this blog is from “Equations for the Joyous Mind”  © 2016 by Dale Clarence Peterson

Just published  Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Part 1 of Several; Some Backstory

Part 1 of Several;  Some Backstory

"It was the invention of the axle that made the invention of the wheel useful.  And, that took nearly 4000 years."

I will be using a number of older graphics and charts and making reference to a great number of previous, and sometimes on-going, works by other educators and accomplished scientists.  Of course, I will never take credit for some piece of work, or data, originated by someone else – Nothing in this volume is intentionally plagiarized.  I am going to go out on a limb here and do citations parenthetically, on the fly and leave it up to you, dear reader, to do whatever verification you desire. 

Also, I will be referencing certain bodies of work, and scientists, that are generally accepted and entrenched in most studies of cognitive and/or meta-cognitive processing. A few clicks of the mouse and all of this material is available to anyone.

The human brain has one essential function and that is to make decisions. All of the factual data accumulated from many years of study and experiments, I contend, lead to a simple conclusion ; i.e. all life seeks to survive as long as possible.  All decisions derive from this one conclusion.

The brain is a body organ and responds to chemical reactions.  In the instance of actual body movement as it reacts to those decisions, the process of decision making does not stop, it merely descends into lower and lower cognitive levels of awareness.  By the time body parts actually move, it has reached a level of subliminal awareness, however it does continue and, according to the essential skills of the individual, it provides unique levels accuracy and speed.

Meta-cognitive decision making abilities have a dependency on the individual’s unique make-up, both physically inherited and those which developed in response to stimuli in the first years of life.  The manner and means each person decides to implement may follow certain patterns.  However, due to the simple application of physiological science, are by necessity unique at least by the degree that their own life experiences have shaped them.

These unique attributes do not need to be graded or categorized.  They need to be accepted, much as a person’s height or other physical qualities, and entered as an ingredient in the formula for that person’s education. They simply need to be ascertained and respected.

However, up until recently this thought processing, as it works its way from immediate exposure to information, retained in some series of steps to become memory and thereby useable knowledge, has had a truly variegated history.

 Fig. 1
Figure 1 is recent adaption of the work of Benjamin Bloom  (1956) American.

Which is an update, as it were, from Edgar Dale's chart published in 1946; figure 3.
Fig. 3

Now push all of this study into the mystery of human thought in reference to learning, back a bunch of years, back a bunch of years and we come to Sir Francis Galton of “Eugenics” fame, who in 1883 came up with this gem. 

Bearing in mind that Sir Galton was drawing a lot of his notions from the work of his half cousin, Charles Darwin.  There is something very telling from Galton’s chart, in that he was most definetly one of the most brilliant men of his time, by most measurements we would accept today for intelligence,  He was also subject to frequent mental conditions we term nervouse breakdowns today.  Which does not in any way diminish his numerous accomplishments, but does display a mind given to very deep imagery. 

And, as is not uncommon with human minds possessed of such remarkable abilities and their attempts to compose massive concepts into any some form of communication with other minds lacking in such abilities, he ranges into almost the bizarre.  It would appear so, to me, anyway.  I have found, however, that when Galton's chart is enlarged to a point where it can be really interpreted and is used in conjunction with his writing, though extremely erudite in style, it begins to take on some form and make sense.  This is a bit of an exercise in patience on the part of the outside researcher, though.

I put forward these charts and very basic interpretations of my own, to begin to display how so much of what is a matter of thought that is essential one of imagery and to meld it into one of written language.  Or, we have taken the two most basic modalities of learning; these being the visual and the verbal (written auditory) and made a case for something we want to be accepted as truth, or proof of a truth.  My case being we have applied something that is not binary in nature and done our best to make it fit.  We are pounding a square peg into a round hole.  

In the next part of this section, I will put forward just a few more examples of how this truly does not work.

All material in this blog is from “Equations for the Joyous Mind”  © 2016 by Dale Clarence Peterson

Just published  Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”