Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Part Five: The Codex or Rosetta Stone

The Codex, or "Rosetta Stone"

I have included two .png formatted graphics to plot the calculations as will be put forward as we proceed in this study.  In the first, the text towards the left reads as follows:  (Re-edited and expanded 8/31/16)

So we have the mind being equal to the organic brain with all the stimuli being exerted on its sensory gathering times (multiplied by) the chemical influences arising from the natural reaction due to the emotional state resulting from both.

This is then factored by the degree of distraction(s) arising from uncontrolled stimuli in the person's environment at the time of the unique event.

This distraction is further affected by whatever emotional state that exists at the given instant of any unique teaching and learning experience.  The goal here is to determine what, of all the influences that truly exist in a given unique event of teaching and learning, are affecting the event and how they can be neutralized. 

The organic brain is a bound system.  It cannot extend beyond the boundaries of its organic limitations; i.e. it is alive or not, it is aware or it is not.  It reacts within the scope of a curve of hormone balance (chemistry) that is often genetically, or through some physical trauma, altered, state.  Sometimes, if this unique state is unbalanced, or beyond a functional curve which affects the receptivity of instruction aimed at a general audience (read; “normal”) it can be medically brought more within the general curve.  Sometimes this is not possible, and in those instances where other means to accomplish a rebalancing are ineffective – or, simply not possible – there are answers.  However, any calculations to determine the best possible route(s) to accomplish this are by necessity, unique to a unique mind and brain (read; student).

Examples for those individuals whom are beyond this “general curve” will be explored separately, and more deeply, in later chapters.  Which is more the actual purpose of my treatise.  Understanding that, most often, it is those who function beyond, and never below (I simply do not accept that any human brain should ever be considered less than any other), who do truly bring JOY and understanding to the totality of the human life experience.

And, there are really no levels of awareness or unawareness at any given instant.  We must be careful not to confuse rapidity of processing with simultaneous processing, as is so often the case with computer technology.  What we must be careful to understand is just what is being derived from the unawareness level that is influencing the processing on the awareness level.
If we believe, as we all tend to do, that we want to achieve a positive effect, then we reintroduce various "E" factors (Emotional), the major of which is E-beta (locate on the Codex).

"Emotion" does not necessarily exist as either positive or negative, but often as a fluctuating composite of both.  Often if a heightened state of one, even if it is positive, is present then the opposite is not far away and ready to exert influence at even very minor changes in the environment of a unique event.
Therefore, as with the wisdom of the ages and across almost all cultures, to achieve balance we must seek neutrality.

Or, as might be less blurry and possibly "cleaner.

In the next part, we will break down the first three "Premises" and show the "equating" of those formulae.

Thank you for joining me here and joy be unto you.

All material in this blog is from “Equations for the Joyous Mind”  © 2016 by Dale Clarence Peterson

Just published  Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”

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