Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Part Nine – The Sigma Σ and the Omega Ω

Part Nine – The Sigma Σ and the Omega Ω

A solid and strong foundation is vital to building anything of lasting value.

The idea here is to learn a new method of evaluating a given educational experience and/or program to, in the very least improve, and in some cases, correct, that which is just not working.  Or, the majority of students within a class are mostly failing, when the retention of the curricula is tested.  Meaningful gain in knowledge is, it would seem, not occurring.

From the Greek, English speakers, if not ALL mathematicians who utilize the Greek alphabet, do so because certain symbols taken from that symbol system, are, or can be, ascribed with meaning beyond the single symbol itself.  Σ (Sigma Major) is used to say, “the sum of all parts” within a given broader calculation.  It is, then, a sort of shorthand and not really something magical – nothing more than accepted shorthand.  Ω (Omega Major) would indicate the last, or final outcome of a given calculation; in some instances Omega Major is also used to indicate the highest state of any given concept.

In my own usage here, and yes, I do have the option of ascribing my own meanings to symbols, if I remain consistent within my own designated system.  I feel the need to be clear.  In that, I use Ω Omega as both the highest state and the end goal we (all us educators, as it were) are attempting to achieve.  In calculating the various inner systems, or workings, of each calculation are given the requisite sub-sets, such as the Audio stimuli and/or the Emotive stimuli.  And, of course, each of these sub-sets, or workings, have a Sigma Σ, or the sum of all parts within in sub-set calculation.

What is the goal?  Is it to achieve the greatest volume of facts within what is called “Long Term Memory”?  I see this as kind of pointless, if that is the goal.  What I refer to as “The Omega Mind”, is workable knowledge.  Workable Knowledge is a combination of memory and practical application of those memories - also known as knowledge.  

What this says; “Omega Mind, or the state when the Mind is in flow.  Perception, or the perception of all present stimuli, is clear.  Meaning the Brain is also in Omega and the stimuli are being accurately read, or interpreted.
The R (Recall) of information required by a task-at-hand is being accessed easily.  Meaning that the M, or Mind, is fully aware.
Therefore, the Brain (B) in Omega is factored by the Mind (M) as fully aware or in Alpha. 
1= 1(1•1)

Where this breaks down is when the subsets do not equate to 1 (one).  
Or, that for R to be in Ω, each of the constants that can be calculated as affecting R in a given task are equating to 1.
Or, if the A (Auditory) is heavily influenced (as written in a previous chapter) by ambient stimuli, then A would be noted as Aß , or equating to 2 (two).  Since, at no time could there be 0 (zero) ambient auditory, except in the condition of nothing (read – death). 

Evaluating the sub-sets:  Are there distracting posters on the walls, V = Vß (2)?  Flickering fluorescent lighting, also V = Vß (2); meaning we actually then have V = V/[ Vß (2)Vß (2)] .  Meaning that subliminally all the students in that classroom are going to have, in the least, some amount of ambient visual distraction.  Those students with a neural condition by which they have high-scale visual sensitivity, are going to either have trouble not going to sleep, or they will seem to suffer from ADD.

Of course, the posters can be taken down or, better, replaced with ones that are in some way generic to the material being presented.  Or, if you are talking about French History and there are posters about American History on the walls, that can produce ambient visual confusion.  Especially for young persons.  The lesson is on Napoleon and the posters are Lincoln?  When visual Art, or informative posters, are left up on the classroom wall for more than Freshman to Senior year, they are wallpaper. 

I have found in my 30 years of teaching, when the topic of study changes, it benefits the dynamic of the class to change the visual wall candy so that it is relevant. 

My theory, in general, also follows the basic law of physics wherein the most stable geometric form is the triangle.  Or, in the least all points of contact wherein vectors in response to pressure exerted in three dimensional space requires a prime number of vector points.  One, as in a single, point can exist in space, but it is a single point.  Two points remain two dimensional - defined as a line, even though those points can be rendered in an x,y,z grid.  Further thought allows only prime numbers to transfer, or retain, stable polygonal form as unique units of data.  Since all non-primes polygonal forms are divisible, and can therefore breakdown or reassemble into tessellations.

In essence, I speak (auditory) a statement of data, I then show (visual) a graphic in reference to that data, then I demonstrate the use of that data, in some manner, and/or the students write it down in daily notes (kinesthetic).  I have found the hand writing of daily notes to be the best form of reenforcement.  Keyboarding is not a good substitute for writing out by hand, as keyboarding data is a two step process (and therefore mentally two dimensional and not prime in function).  More on that later.

Thank you for joining me here and joy be unto you.

All material in this blog is from “Equations for the Joyous Mind”  © 2016 by Dale Clarence Peterson

Just published  Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”

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